Saturday, January 12, 2008

The "A-Team"

So what does it take to be a member of the Healing Hands for Haiti team? The desire to make a difference, compassion, the ability to be flexible and experience in working in physical rehabilitation (although it's not required).

The 2008 team members are Erin B.(nurse); Amy B. (support); Darlene C. (support), Jean Pierre D. (interpreter/support), Jody D. (support), Dr. Steve F. (doctor), Mimi F. (support), Mel H. (physical therapist), Barb H. (physical therapist), Sarah K. (doctor), Sue K. (physical therapist and our fearless team leader), Jill K. (occupational therapist), Rick M. (orthotist), Bill O. (physical therapist), Richard P. (wheelchair/seating tech.), Bob T. (prosthetist/orthotist), Sara W. (support), and Renee W. (support).

The photo (above) is of the January 2007, but several of the individuals are part of the 2008 team. We will miss those members who aren't joining us this trip. Al, Deb, Patrick, Lesley, Jessica, Dr. Jim, Paul, Katie, Tim, Terry and Mark... it won't be the same without all of you:(

Today we packed the supplies. Thirty-five bins and hockey bags were filled with supplies for our trip. Some of the items we packed were: orthotic/prosthetic supplies, braces, shoes, clothing, toys, tricycles, diapers, feeding equipment, hygienc supplies, etc. We have nearly 1500 pounds of supplies we will be taking with us- I am sure they love to see us coming at the airport!! We are also expecting a shipment of 175 wheelchairs and other therapy equipment to arrive by the time we reach Haiti. If all goes as planned there will be many kids who will get their first ever wheelchair!!

Some of the team members have been to Haiti several times as part of Healing Hands. For others this will be their first trip. I believe that no matter how many times one has made this trip, the experience is always a new one.


. . . said...

Hi Healing Hands for Haiti! I'm Sara W's sister and just want to wish you all a safe, productive and meaningful journey this month. You are making a huge difference in peoples' lives and are truly an inspiration. Blessings to you all on your journey!

brooklynart said...

Best of luck to you and your team! We'll look forward to reading about the journey.

brooklynart said...

(...who is Stacey and Berg, oops.)